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SDA Legal services 

 NDISDA members boast dedicated teams of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) experts who provide legal services


The development and management of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), being housing that is specially designed to tend to the needs of people who have extreme functional impairment or very high support needs, is an emerging asset class gathering momentum and interest from developers and institutional investors.

In order to leverage the opportunities that this asset class provides, developers, institutional investors and lenders need to be alive to its distinctive characteristics. 


There are key risks ad mitigant considerations in the SDA space, such as 

Corporate structuring risks. 

The corporate structure for an SDA project is an important consideration, which will have an impact on a number of other key factors, including:

  • the regulatory requirement that an SDA must be developed by an SDA provider (see “Regulatory Considerations” below);

  • access to and ownership of existing land and dwellings;

  • the number of dwellings and sites envisaged;

  • tax (i.e. having a charitable status brings an additional regulatory layer); and

  • the financing documentation and at what level in the structure debt will be introduced (i.e. will the structure comprise a portfolio of properties, will the borrower be acting as a trustee of one or more trusts, will a professional trustee be appointed, is the borrower an SPV, does the borrower have subsidiaries etc.).


Please feel in the below form and one of our Trusted SDA Lawyers will respond 

Please fill in the below form 

Fill in the below form and one of our NDISDA Members will be in touch with you soon. Please note Disclaimer at the end of this form. Submitting this form means that you have understood the disclaimer and accept it. 


Any information provided through the Specialist Disability Accommodation Website and through our service provider partners are intended to be general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. It does not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information provided and the nature of the relevant financial product having regard to your objectives, financial situation, and needs. In particular, you should seek independent financial advice and read any relevant product disclosure statement (PDS) or other offer document prior to making an investment decision in relation to a financial product (including a decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold).

We operate our Member referral service to assist participants and SDA Services . There are no charges to the participants or persons seeking Member services. While NDISDA SDA Housing and Disability does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information communicated to you by providers, we endeavour to make your search results reflect all providers and services meeting the criteria you designate for your needs. Your final selection of a provider should be based on your needs and preferences. If a Member leaves NDISDA SDA Housing , we will no longer include the provider in our referral service. Any reliance on any information provided by the website, others appearing on the website, and/or other visitors to the website is solely at the user’s risk. The use of and information on this website is not intended to create any business  relationship. That relationship only occurs when you and your chosen service provider mutually agree to establish such relationship.




1300 NDI SDA  - (1300 634 732) 



NDISDA is a subsidiary of Jazcorp Australia and Partner to ;

SDA Conferences and Events 



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